Bevel cutting
Quick and easy Bevel cutting

Today, bevel cutting represents a significant proportion of the total cutting volume. While a few years ago bevels had to be treated manually with considerable effort for weld preparation, today this is realized quickly and easily with plasma cutting technology.
Kjellberg Finsterwalde offers a customisable bevel cutting database for easy configuration of bevel cuts based on standard cutting values for welding-oriented bevel cuts in the material thickness range from 6 to 50 mm. The compensation values contained in the database have been determined in real terms and are available for mild steel, aluminium and stainless steel.
Optimum Weld Seam Preparation

With the power sources and plasma torches made by Kjellberg Finsterwalde, smooth and even bevel cuts across the entire range of material thicknesses can be produced. The torch components are constructed to be slim and pointed on purpose in order to cover a wide range of angles. Whether Y, K or V welds have to be produced, users will be optimally equipped with plasma cutting technique made by Kjellberg Finsterwalde.
The Q-Bevel bevel cutting database is available for the plasma power sources of the Q-Series, extending existing cutting technologies to enable precise bevel cuts with consistent quality without additional costs.
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