Contact Person
Kjellberg Foundation
Mrs. Kathrin HORN
phone +49 3531 71945-47
The Kjellberg Foundation is a civil law foundation with legal capacity. It is subject to the legal supervision of the German federal state of Brandenburg and is registered with the supervisory board for foundations of the Ministry of the interior and communities of the federal state of Brandenburg. It is the sole shareholder of the Kjellberg Finsterwalde Group with registered office in Finsterwalde.
The purposes of the foundation are realised by the establishment and management of and the participation in facilities for the aforementioned purposes as well as by promoting appropriate measures of third parties. The foundation is non-profit-making and does not primarily pursue economic purposes of its own. Article 2 of the charter of the Kjellberg Foundation defines the following purposes:
The members of the Executive Board conduct the business of the foundation in accordance with the conditions laid down in the charter and represent the foundation in all legal matters.
Volker Krink – Chairman
André Speri – deputy Chairman
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julia Zähr
The Board of Trustees monitors compliance with the founders' intentions and decides on matters of fundamental importance.
The members of the Board of Trustees work in an honorary capacity. The following natural persons are members of the Board:
Dr. Christian Bach – Chairman
Jesco Freiherr von Puttkamer – Deputy chairman
Timo Grundke (appointed by the Board of Employee Representatives)
Markward Burk
Nicole Dönicke
Dr. Thomas Hassel
Prof. Ulrich Stascheit
The Board of Employee Representatives consists of 11 representatives from all companies and facilities which the foundation manages or owns. It shall participate in the decisions made by the foundation's Executive Board and appoints one representative to the foundation's Board of Trustees.
The elected representatives of the employees are:
Marcus Birkholz – Chairman
Dr. Michael Dreher – Deputy chairman
Diana Bieberich
Timo Grundke
Eckard Koch
Ralf-Peter Reinke
Frank Laurisch
Erhard Meißner
Stefan Weedermann
Mathias Weiß
Birgit Zajic
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 1
03238 Finsterwalde
registered with Ministry of the interior of the federal state of Brandenburg under 24-742-007214