One for All and All for Health

For Kjellberg Finsterwalde it is a top priority not only to show regional ties and social commitment but to actually live this idea, especially in times like these. The Finsterwalde-based traditional company also wants to help counteract the Covid-19 virus in the region by rapid and active action. A hands-on campaign started by Kjellberg staff members just a few days ago has meanwhile developed into a true wave of solidarity. The spontaneous idea that staff members could sew non-medical face masks was rapidly put into practice. „Our goal is to produce at least 1,000 masks and hand them over to medical practices, hospitals as well as nursing homes and nursing services “, says Mathias Fritsche and adds „It is really very impressive how people help each other in this time. Of course, Kjellberg wants to support this commitment. “ But this is not all. It was almost at the same time that Kjellberg Finsterwalde received a large supply of face masks for single use from a long-standing satisfied customer in Beijing / China – knowing how much the Covid-19 virus might limit the social life also in Finsterwalde. „This generosity has prompted us to emulate their example. We instantly turned this gift into a regional donation “, says Fritsche. So, in the first week of April Kjellberg handed over 1,000 face masks to resident physicians in regional practices. At Kjellberg Finsterwalde, we have also taken precautions at an early stage to protect our staff members. These include the disinfection of the workplaces several times a day, physical distance between office workplaces, working at home as well as variable working and break times. These measures make it possible to continue Kjellberg Finsterwalde‘s operation. Even if there are tremendous constraints in many processes due to the safety measures, especially in the production areas at the Finsterwalde and Massen locations. „Of course, it is of considerable economic importance that we don’t have to close down temporarily like many others. We are responsible for the continued operation in order to allay the fear of dismissal of our nearly 500 employees and their families “, explains Mathias Fritsche.

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